Monday, October 31, 2011

Miracle Service - Vineyard Family Church

Today Is the "NEW" (Pray With Us Today)

Hello there ,brothers and sisters in Christ.

Today, PRAISE GOD, Daddy's Family embark on a NEW journey.

God -Willing we will complete the recording of our debut single entitled"NEW" tonight.

We intend to make the track accessible for downloading from tomorrow (01/11/11)

Please pray with us,that we will indeed achieve our objective THIS day,and complete the recording.

It's time for the NEW level,and to infiltrate the market place,as we believe it is THERE that His message of Salvation MUST be heard.

We cannot just remain in the church.....preaching to the choir !!!

We as the children of God have to silence the Noises in the marketplace & become the Voice of God.

It is an EXTREME challenge,but one we KNOW we have been called to accomplish,and we have been Born for a Time such as THIS!!!

So we pray,Lord that you anoint this project,and that it touches hearts and lives,and imparts the Life and Love of Jesus to our youth,and to adults alike.

We pray that men will be challenged to break out of the Norm which has been painted by our Society,and to become Radical for You, for their families,and for the expansion of Your Kingdom.

We know,Lord,that your heart is for the Lost,and we thank you,in advance,for a harvest of souls,for lives restored and renewed.

Daddy,we give you ALL the Honour and the Glory,and we THANK you for choosing us,for such an important time as this.

We believe according to Eph 3:20 that you are "able to do exceedingly,abundantly,more than we can imagine or hope for" , so we look forward with eager anticipation to what You are going to do in and through us, your children.

Lord,you say in Prov 16:3 " 3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."

So, we commit our plans to you,and we KNOW,Lord,that according to Your Word, it shall be established.

Thank You Lord.

The Apple of Your Eye,

Brendon Brauns
(Christ's Restored Equipped Enlightened Disciple)


Byron Tucker
Dazz da Dj

Soul Food !!!!

Good day,brothers and sisters in Christ.

A Very Good Morning,and a Fantastic week ahead to all.

This morning, I would like to share with you the importance of a Spiritual House and the Food we receive there.

Sundays around the world are days when we go to our mother's houses or we spend time at home with our own family,and we say we are having some SOUL FOOD.

Well yesterday morning at service,we received some REAL Soul Food.

The scripture was from Luke 1:28-41(The angel Gabriel and Mary)

The most important for me was Verse 38 " Let it be done to me according to Your Word"

On saying these words,the Word was made Flesh,and Mary carried and nurtured this word, to full term and gave birth to a son who was to change History,in SO many ways.

As my pastor said yesterday the world has heard enough of the "Jesus Loves You" message.

They know this,but what the World needs to see is the Power of God manifested in and through us.

Our responsibilty is to carry and nurture the word,and allow it to grow in us. We must give legs,arms,emotions to this Word,until it becomes Flesh in our lives.

Rom 8:19 says "The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed".

So,sons and daughters,what Food did you recieve yesterday? {and I'm not talking about your lunch here....:) }

Are you waiting for your next meal?or have you determined to nurture and carry this word that you have recieved, to chew on it,as you would chew on normal food?

And if you are looking at TODAY as the beginning of the week,sadly, you are a day behind.

We cannot drive cars without first putting petrol in them. Our physical bodies require food to sustain us,and strengthen us ,so too , our souls require food....Nourishment to grow and sustain our very souls.

1 Peter 2:2 says... "Cry out for this nourishment, ... Like newborn babies, thirst for the pure milk
of the word so that by it you may grow in your salvation...."

And this is not a once off,for as you ate yesterday,and no doubt some of you have already had breakfast today,and will eat at lunch,and later etc., so too we need to nourish our souls DAILY,not just on a Sunday.

Rom 12:2 speaks of Renewing our minds DAILY.

So, SOUL FOOD becomes a DAILY event and not once-a-week.

Be blessed,as you "Chew" daily on the SOUL FOOD which God has provided,and this is not Manna- this is....His Word !!!

Blessings to you and yours.

Your B.I.C.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Church Signs With A Sense Of Humour !!!

Who Says Christians do not have a Sense of humour? (Lol)

Christ Can Restore Ministries

Letter to My Granny -Written by Casey Martin

Sadly,my mother passed away- two months ago on 12/08/2011.

Though she is sorely missed, we give thanks to God,knowing that she is with Him,that she passed on in Faith,and that her suffering is at an end.

The following is a letter written by my niece (Casey).

The underlying fact here, is that if we don't teach our children about Jesus and His victory over death,death will have it's sting,and they will not have the understanding that they need to(as she does).

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience (not vice versa), and when we pass,our loved ones should have the confidence(as we do) that we have returned to the Father.

(P.S. If you are still blessed to have your mother in your life....give her a call today,or if u can-visit,and let her know IN THE LIVING YEARS that she is loved,and appreciated.)

God Bless you and yours,

Your B.I.C.

Dear Granny,

I think about the times we shared together. We baked and I always helped you cook.
You would help me with my homework after school. I try to think of the goods times
we had instead of crying but when I walk in your house I cry.

You are gone granny and I’m sad but I’m happy that your pain, suffering and sickness
is over. I love you and I hope you know that. I miss you so much.

I saw your ashes today and I cried. I can’ believe that that’s you. I won’t believe that
that’s you. I would love to see you in your new body and clothes and crown.

I can’t wait to see you again. When I die granny please come and fetch me.
You’ll have your own house but I’ll visit you every second 1,2,3,. We will play
in the garden and plant fruit and veg together. We will play skipping. Hahahaha,
we will have so much fun and spend eternity together. We will play music and sing
gospel songs for Jesus like we used to. We will fly through walls of gold but as long
as I have you I don’t need no gold. You are everything to me and were everything
to me while you were here with me.

I love you so much granny. You were a brave woman no fear whatsoever.
I’m happy and sad  but my turn will come and I have no other choice but to
wait until I’m with you again.
My mom will also come to be with you before I do. When she comes play with her
so long granny.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lets Try Something "NEW"

Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ.

Today I would like to share with you a verse from the track New-
which explains why we as Daddy's Family do what we do...

Introducing to you-something Brand New;
and No it's not the average that you used to...
a different point of view,I got a different text;
and it's not filled with Sex,Drugs,and Violence.
I don't promote 9Mills AKs and Vests.
I'm not even trying to be the best M.C.,just-
thankful to be blessed with lyrical finesse
to converse with converts across continents.
Out of the wilderness- Hip Hop's John The Baptist!
Sick to the death of this-
Life where we seek the limelight more than the Light,.
Make light of sin and not living right.
Make heroes of zeroes who cannot read or write-
Cos he big pimpin' and his 22s shine bright.
Tired of the way we living,tired of the way we thinking,
Tired of the way me keep making excuses...


I gotta do something NEW in this game.
I got a heart aflame, I come to change the game
I gotta do something New in this game...
I gotta do something NEW NEW NEW !!!

(Taken from the forthcoming track "NEW")

Much Love ,
Your B.I.C.

All Roads Lead To RCC







Good day

YOU and your Youth are invited to Join us in an opportunity to reach out with God`s love to the young people in our community by joining hands with us to host the second NO WALLS Youth Festival in Wentworth.

The name NO WALLS symbolises - not being restricted to a particular church or venue, youth or outreach method.We breaking all walls to achieve a mighty outpour of the Spirit of God and through unity , a mighty harvest of young people coming to know the Lord.

We asking you as a band, solo artist, dance team to render different items over the weekend or just individuals who are willing to serve to please let us know as we need as many people as possible to join hands.

This event will take place on 16/17/18th December 2011

Time : 4.30pm - as we want to have lighting displays and its during this time that youngsters are most idol and find themselves having no other outlet but to go to OTHER places.We would like you to be a part of this 3 day event that would attract young people in anticipation to celebrate the true reason for the Christmas season and to present JESUS to them in a vibrant and exciting way.

If you have expertise in any of the above-mentioned areas, please assist as we need assistance.

Our aim is to erect a major stage and sound rig in 3 different areas in wentworth over that weekend with the best of the best in minstry to bring glory to the Father by which souls will be drawn.We would like to motivate ALL SAINTS, MUSICIANS AND SINGERS and ANYONE WILLING TO SERVE to play an important role in putting this event together and would be delighted if you could join hands with us in making this GOD EVENT a RESOUNDING SUCCESS.

If you are a recording artist - we challenge you to sow YOUR cds / whatever marketing material that you would normally sell and bless a soul and encourage someone over that weekend. You bring the items on the day and you can give it to someone or we can assist you in blessing someone by handing it out for you. You are not obliged to do so....... We will be giving everything away on the weekend...including cd's, bibles, t-shirts, different sponsored gifts and hampers and feeding the people , so we encourage YOU to elarge your tent pegs and sow your seed into the kingdom aswell.

We look forward to including you in the celebration outreach and hope you will be able to join us in this mission to reach the youth in our community in an excellent and powerful explosion of Gospel Ministry. We look forward to all churches getting involved to make this a success, as we know that within unity, the Lord God commands His blessing.

Please forward to other people in minstry who's contact I do not have.

Look forward to your positive response!!!
Please confirm with me a.s.a.p for marketing purposes.
For more info on how you can get involved please contact me on the following channels
cell: 0828589724 / 0848308438
bbm pin: 23233ab9
facebook: inbox

Many Thanks
Delia Snyman

3:16's Youth Got Talent

Hi Everybody

3:16 Youth will be hosting their own " YOUTHS GOT TALENT"

Please support!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.(Isaiah 43:19)

I begin this with Great Thanks and Reverence to our Eternal Father for ALL that He is. He is Faithful,and He is truly Able to do what He says He will do. As we(Daddy's Family) stand on the brink of the New thing that God is doing in our lives,we are both Awed and humbled. The privilege that we have been given to reach the masses at such a time as This is truly humbling.
"NEW" is the first release off our mix tape,and with it,we Really want to do something New in the industry. This is not about us,but it's a Must,cos- The World Awaits the Manifestation of God's sons. So we 'Back With A Vengeance', Cos in these 'Crazy Dayz'-we're saying 'No More',this is the 'Ghetto Gospel' and we Gotta do something 'NEW'.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Back With a Vengence

Wow where do we start?

First of all we Greet you all in the wonderfull name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

So much has happened with Daddy's Family over the last year . We have been through the fire but one thing we can say is that the Lord has always been there with us . We know that lot of you guys got used to having your daily word posted on the blog and we here to let you know that the blog is up and running again. so tell your friend that writes poetry or your uncle who has a testimony that people want to hear this and we as Daddy's Family would love to get your Testimony heard.

Watch this space !!!!!!

Coming Soon The First Single (NEW) off Creed's Highly anticipated mixedtape Entitled " Who Am I"