Monday, October 31, 2011

Today Is the "NEW" (Pray With Us Today)

Hello there ,brothers and sisters in Christ.

Today, PRAISE GOD, Daddy's Family embark on a NEW journey.

God -Willing we will complete the recording of our debut single entitled"NEW" tonight.

We intend to make the track accessible for downloading from tomorrow (01/11/11)

Please pray with us,that we will indeed achieve our objective THIS day,and complete the recording.

It's time for the NEW level,and to infiltrate the market place,as we believe it is THERE that His message of Salvation MUST be heard.

We cannot just remain in the church.....preaching to the choir !!!

We as the children of God have to silence the Noises in the marketplace & become the Voice of God.

It is an EXTREME challenge,but one we KNOW we have been called to accomplish,and we have been Born for a Time such as THIS!!!

So we pray,Lord that you anoint this project,and that it touches hearts and lives,and imparts the Life and Love of Jesus to our youth,and to adults alike.

We pray that men will be challenged to break out of the Norm which has been painted by our Society,and to become Radical for You, for their families,and for the expansion of Your Kingdom.

We know,Lord,that your heart is for the Lost,and we thank you,in advance,for a harvest of souls,for lives restored and renewed.

Daddy,we give you ALL the Honour and the Glory,and we THANK you for choosing us,for such an important time as this.

We believe according to Eph 3:20 that you are "able to do exceedingly,abundantly,more than we can imagine or hope for" , so we look forward with eager anticipation to what You are going to do in and through us, your children.

Lord,you say in Prov 16:3 " 3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."

So, we commit our plans to you,and we KNOW,Lord,that according to Your Word, it shall be established.

Thank You Lord.

The Apple of Your Eye,

Brendon Brauns
(Christ's Restored Equipped Enlightened Disciple)


Byron Tucker
Dazz da Dj

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