Friday, October 28, 2011

Letter to My Granny -Written by Casey Martin

Sadly,my mother passed away- two months ago on 12/08/2011.

Though she is sorely missed, we give thanks to God,knowing that she is with Him,that she passed on in Faith,and that her suffering is at an end.

The following is a letter written by my niece (Casey).

The underlying fact here, is that if we don't teach our children about Jesus and His victory over death,death will have it's sting,and they will not have the understanding that they need to(as she does).

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience (not vice versa), and when we pass,our loved ones should have the confidence(as we do) that we have returned to the Father.

(P.S. If you are still blessed to have your mother in your life....give her a call today,or if u can-visit,and let her know IN THE LIVING YEARS that she is loved,and appreciated.)

God Bless you and yours,

Your B.I.C.

Dear Granny,

I think about the times we shared together. We baked and I always helped you cook.
You would help me with my homework after school. I try to think of the goods times
we had instead of crying but when I walk in your house I cry.

You are gone granny and I’m sad but I’m happy that your pain, suffering and sickness
is over. I love you and I hope you know that. I miss you so much.

I saw your ashes today and I cried. I can’ believe that that’s you. I won’t believe that
that’s you. I would love to see you in your new body and clothes and crown.

I can’t wait to see you again. When I die granny please come and fetch me.
You’ll have your own house but I’ll visit you every second 1,2,3,. We will play
in the garden and plant fruit and veg together. We will play skipping. Hahahaha,
we will have so much fun and spend eternity together. We will play music and sing
gospel songs for Jesus like we used to. We will fly through walls of gold but as long
as I have you I don’t need no gold. You are everything to me and were everything
to me while you were here with me.

I love you so much granny. You were a brave woman no fear whatsoever.
I’m happy and sad  but my turn will come and I have no other choice but to
wait until I’m with you again.
My mom will also come to be with you before I do. When she comes play with her
so long granny.

1 comment:

  1. Well done with this one. On behalf of my little girl, thanks.
    What an amazing thing you guys have done here for us (young and old) to be able to share our victories in Christ with all.
    Yes, you are sorely missed Mummy but we rejoice for the joy you've found. Till we meet again.
