Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lets Try Something "NEW"

Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ.

Today I would like to share with you a verse from the track New-
which explains why we as Daddy's Family do what we do...

Introducing to you-something Brand New;
and No it's not the average that you used to...
a different point of view,I got a different text;
and it's not filled with Sex,Drugs,and Violence.
I don't promote 9Mills AKs and Vests.
I'm not even trying to be the best M.C.,just-
thankful to be blessed with lyrical finesse
to converse with converts across continents.
Out of the wilderness- Hip Hop's John The Baptist!
Sick to the death of this-
Life where we seek the limelight more than the Light,.
Make light of sin and not living right.
Make heroes of zeroes who cannot read or write-
Cos he big pimpin' and his 22s shine bright.
Tired of the way we living,tired of the way we thinking,
Tired of the way me keep making excuses...


I gotta do something NEW in this game.
I got a heart aflame, I come to change the game
I gotta do something New in this game...
I gotta do something NEW NEW NEW !!!

(Taken from the forthcoming track "NEW")

Much Love ,
Your B.I.C.

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