Thursday, October 27, 2011

Good day

YOU and your Youth are invited to Join us in an opportunity to reach out with God`s love to the young people in our community by joining hands with us to host the second NO WALLS Youth Festival in Wentworth.

The name NO WALLS symbolises - not being restricted to a particular church or venue, youth or outreach method.We breaking all walls to achieve a mighty outpour of the Spirit of God and through unity , a mighty harvest of young people coming to know the Lord.

We asking you as a band, solo artist, dance team to render different items over the weekend or just individuals who are willing to serve to please let us know as we need as many people as possible to join hands.

This event will take place on 16/17/18th December 2011

Time : 4.30pm - as we want to have lighting displays and its during this time that youngsters are most idol and find themselves having no other outlet but to go to OTHER places.We would like you to be a part of this 3 day event that would attract young people in anticipation to celebrate the true reason for the Christmas season and to present JESUS to them in a vibrant and exciting way.

If you have expertise in any of the above-mentioned areas, please assist as we need assistance.

Our aim is to erect a major stage and sound rig in 3 different areas in wentworth over that weekend with the best of the best in minstry to bring glory to the Father by which souls will be drawn.We would like to motivate ALL SAINTS, MUSICIANS AND SINGERS and ANYONE WILLING TO SERVE to play an important role in putting this event together and would be delighted if you could join hands with us in making this GOD EVENT a RESOUNDING SUCCESS.

If you are a recording artist - we challenge you to sow YOUR cds / whatever marketing material that you would normally sell and bless a soul and encourage someone over that weekend. You bring the items on the day and you can give it to someone or we can assist you in blessing someone by handing it out for you. You are not obliged to do so....... We will be giving everything away on the weekend...including cd's, bibles, t-shirts, different sponsored gifts and hampers and feeding the people , so we encourage YOU to elarge your tent pegs and sow your seed into the kingdom aswell.

We look forward to including you in the celebration outreach and hope you will be able to join us in this mission to reach the youth in our community in an excellent and powerful explosion of Gospel Ministry. We look forward to all churches getting involved to make this a success, as we know that within unity, the Lord God commands His blessing.

Please forward to other people in minstry who's contact I do not have.

Look forward to your positive response!!!
Please confirm with me a.s.a.p for marketing purposes.
For more info on how you can get involved please contact me on the following channels
cell: 0828589724 / 0848308438
bbm pin: 23233ab9
facebook: inbox

Many Thanks
Delia Snyman

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