Friday, July 23, 2010

John 8:31-32

John 8:31-32
31 If ye abide in my word, then are ye truly my disciples;

32 and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

So many people know verse 32 and quote it"The truth shall set you Free",but notice the pre-requisite:
"If you abide in my word".Also so many claim to be a disciple,but the word is clear,that those who abide in His word are His disciples. I love music,love it to bits.I love rapping,love reaching people, BUT I love HIS WORD MORE.His word is a lamp to my feet,His Word is my council,my guide,my shelter, my refuge,my comfort. When I feel lost and alone,it's His Word that I find Strength in. Brothers and Sisters,grow in His Word,learn to love His word.... for it will keep you together when all else fails,it will lift your head when you feel downtrodden,it will give you reason to rejoice, when others in a similar situation to you,want to just die. If you are wondering where to begin,try Proverbs.It has 31 chapters.For 31 days in the month.Isn't He awesome?Ask Him to open up the dimensions of His word to you.He says in Jer 33:3"call to me and I will show you unsearchable truths,things you did not know"
I pray that you will begin(if you have not already) to abide in His word.Get an audio bible,listen to it on the way to work, Don't say you can't make/find time...You can!!!
Be blessed
You B.I.C.

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