Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Good Morning ,Lord"

There are two kinds of people.One wakes up and says "Good Lord,Morning;
while the other wakes up and says "Good Morning ,Lord"

Which are you? Do you arise and acknowledge that He has given you a new day?
Do you awaken with a song of praise,thanking Him for His grace and mercy,for HIS
love and unmerited favour?For His protection over you.For the fact that you had a nice warm bed
to sleep in,for you health and loved ones?
Or do you awake and moan and groan,because you have to go to work and it's cold,
and Oh how you wish you could have just won the lotto and you wouldn't have to work...

I,myself am a little extra excited today,as we beagn a prayer group at work.
Curently we are two,but we know there is a third person in our midst,and we look
forward to numbers being added to us.
The Word states in Eph 3:1-10-11

10. that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places.
11. This was according to the eternal purpose which he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord,

You see, we must take authority in the Spirit as sons and daughters of God,and prophesy and proclaim Him over our workspace,
giving Him praise for He is our Provider,not our salaries or bosses....HE IS.

Don't wait for things to go wrong in your day,before you acknowledge Him.
He is ever-present,and Omni-present.
Start your day by giving Him praise.

Find just one other believer in your office,and remember where two are gathered in His name-He is there.

Be blessed,each and every one of you....

Remember we are the salt and the light in a dark world.

And seek to be a blessing to someone else today.

Your B.I.C.

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