Monday, July 26, 2010


Good morning all.Hope it is going well with you all.
This morning,we would like to thank everyone who reads and shares on
our blog.You guys are all a blessing,and this would mean NOTHING without you.
We are currently approaching 1000 hits on the site(AWESOME),and we would like to hear from
We have also just printed our first Ghetto Gospel T-Shirts and these are just the beginning
of many more exciting projects to come. We will soon be posting on the site,and should you require
to express your beliefs and your love for The Saviour openly,well we will be facilitating orders etc.

Sooooo...what we need to know is.....

Is there a book that you've read that you feel others should read?
Is there a CD,that you feel other believers should get their hands on?
Do you have any testimonies you would like to share......
Well, we wanna hear from you....

Is there anything you would like to have us include on the site...let us know please.
Remember, this site is not for us(Daddy's Family)but for ALL believers,and sceptics alike.
We want to share His Gospel with ANYONE WHO HAS EARS....
This is our mandate.
This was the original assignment as given to the apostles in Mark 16:14-19

As we prepare for God's FINEST HOUR,let us not become slack or lazy or discouraged,
but let us keep pushing,keep pressing,and let us assist those who may be weaker in their
faith or new to the Family Of God...prepare for the coming REVIVAL.

Remember,someone introduced you to God,and you were saved,not for yourself,but so
that you might tell others,and share that which was freely given to you.

Remember,as always,you were blessed to be a blessing.

Your B.I.C.

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