Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Our God Is "SO GREAT"- Written by Shirley De Beer

Our God is so great; we just don’t know the size.
We are always complaining about everything that is happening around us, if it is not the weather, it is about someone saying or doing something you don’t like.
But our God is so much greater than all this, He watches over us every day never complaining once.

He does not say I will watch over only 3 people today, he watches over all His people at the same time.
He took our pain the day He died on the cross, He never complained, would we be able to do the same.

Our God is so great, He always comes through for us, even at the eleventh hour, we are not patient enough to wait for His answers, and we always want something and want it now.

Our Lord Jesus Christ gives us so much, we need to be grateful for all that we receive and we need to pass this love, patience, joy, piece onto others.

Yours in Christ
Shirley de Beer

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