Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I love when God works this way.....Dazz and I were chatting earlier about what the blog should be today.

He said that we should share with you guys the IMPORTANCE OF BELIEVING....

Of seeing what you want,and pushing beyond limitations,beyond circumstances,until the thing you want comes to pass.

And then someone sends me this verse for the day on Faith.( Heb11 :1)

What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen.
It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.

The world says "seeing is believing",but in the Kingdom the opposite is true,"BELIEVING IS SEEING".

If you DON'T believe it -you WON'T see it.

Hebrews 11 (entire ) shows us perfectly the outcomes of certain individuals who exercised their faith,and the World was forever changed because of their belief AND UNWAIVERING faith.

Mary,who by saying " Let it be done to me according to Your Word" changed the World,and gave birth to the Son Of God.

Do u know that you just may be that next great man/woman of God to change History?....all it takes is BELIEF.

In my own life, I have NURTURED a dream for over 20 years,and because I believe it is God-Given...... I WILL NOT quit,until I see it come to pass. I KNOW like I KNOW like I KNOW that I am called for Nations.....that I have been chosen BEFORE BIRTH by Almighty God to make a difference in people's lives,and to share the Love of God and the Good News (which is Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ)

I speak ONLY that which will feed the dream,only that which is positive , only that which will hasten it to me....

I find scripture e.g. 1Jn 5:4 "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world-- our faith"

I speak His Word over the dream..... I disassociate from any and all that might hinder my dream.

I keep only those around me,who will assist me in the dream.....

In fact -I ask God to please remove those that are against His plan ,and to please bring me the right people who will assist me in realising the dream He has given.


James 1:6-8 says:

But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.7 That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord;8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

So, what is it that you are trusting God for?
And what steps are you taking practically,towards the fulfillment of the dreams He has given you?
Have circumstances or life or your family responsibilities made you forget your dream,and settle for less?

Notice something here,God gave a child to Abraham and Sarah(long after child-bearing age),gave a child to Mary(a virgin) made Moses( a "stutterer" and one of " slow speech") the leader of about 6.3 million people and led them out of Egypt,etc.etc.etc.

There is a saying I love. It says

"God does not call the equipped ,but equips the called",and that means it is our availability,not our ability which God requires.

So, I want to encourage you, if you have discarded your God- Given Dream(for whatever reason) ...

Go back to your assignment, your work is NOT your assignment....what we do for the Kingdom is our assignment.


"What do you mean, 'If I can'?" Jesus asked. "Anything is possible if a person believes."

Be encouraged,
Be blessed,
Be a Blessing

Much Love
Your B.I.C.

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