Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I Miss You - Written by Carmin Martin

I see you in pictures, you’re still so real,
You’re just a phone call away.
I can’t grasp that you’re gone,
I just called you the other day.

Driving to your house,
I hope to see you at the window,
But no one comes, finally I go inside.
Your smell still fills the air,
The memories are still so fresh,
It feels like you’re right there.

For you I guess it was better,
Your pain was over fast,
But we’re left behind and we miss you,
Our thoughts swirling in the past.

I hope you heard the words we spoke,
I hope you knew we were there,
You weren’t alone,
When holiness came and entered in
And within that soft rendering
Whispers gently, “She’s resting, no longer here”

Did you know that we loved you,
Did you know that we cared?

My only hope is that one day,
I will see you again.
I cried bitterly while you asked me to let you go,
He was to deliver you from all your pain.

Father hold our mother in your arms,
You know the hardship she endured
She was a good soldier still,
Her children know well of a
God who is faithful to the very end

I guess it’s time to let you go,
I’m really going to try mummy,
I guess this is it then,
My time to say goodbye.

So long then my precious mother,
At least I know you’re now free.

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