Monday, November 7, 2011


Good day to all our brothers and sisters out there.

Today Daddy's Family goes back into the studio to record our 2nd track( Back With A Vengeance).

We will (God-willinlgy) be dropping a track every week for the next 5 weeks.

Back with a Vengeance deals with such issues as us taking back the arts for God,of being salt that has not lost its saltiness,and bearing witness to a dark and dying world,about the gospel of our Lord and Saviour - Jesus Christ.

The masses(ESPECIALLY OUR YOUTH) have been, and are being misled by the artists of our time.

Many youngsters are singing songs,they have no clue of,or of what spirits they are invoking or calling...

We feel MILITANT about this,and are determined (by the Power of Him who sent us) to take a stand against the "Norms" that society is trying to place upon our youngsters,and raising a blood soaked banner,against the enemy.

You may not be a rapper,or an artist yourself,but be careful what you listen to ......specially since our kids are always listening to and emulating what we as parents do.

"We back with a Vengeance,Back in the trenches,Back ,taking Back Territory......Inches by Inches."

Let's go back to when you had ta
Backtrack the track ta
Know who and which crew were shepherds for Lucifer;
Back to the future and the future is the present.
Now they more decadent,now they more irreverant,
Blatantly Blasphemous,they leave you speechless,
then got the nerve to thank God in their Grammy speeches....
JESUS,we need you cos this world's in a crisis,
blinded by the hype...
And young girls tryina keep up with the Kardashians,
Don't wanna hear our songs about our love for Jesus,
but the Radio plays Lady Gaga's love for Judas.
Isaiah 60 prophecied this :
Thick darkness over the Earth,
Thicker darkness over the people.
I hear God speaking to His sons and daughters
saying :
How long you just gonna watch the enemy Attack.
Push back,Bite back ,
Let him know you Fight Back...

Be blessed

Your B.I.C.

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