Thursday, August 5, 2010


Habakkuk 2;
For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end
and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it;
it will certainly come and will not delay

Jeremiah 1;12
The LORD said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching [b] to see that my word is fulfilled

In this modern age we live in where we have instant coffee instant meals drive through restaurants and tv dinners it can be easy to adopt a quick fix or now mind set. " I want it now" has led to millions into debt , it has broken homes and disrupted marriages. It has led to people seeking material things and chasing after the flesh or to ones own detriment. One of my pastors favourite sayings is that your talent will not take you where your character cannot keep you, he also says that we treat our prayers with God like a Mc Donalds drive through........IN & OUT!!!

James 1 states that we should rejoice in times of trial and tribulation for it develops patients and patients becomes perseverance .Whatever you have been promised or what ever dream it is you have, If it is from God KNOW THAT IT WILL COME TO PASS. God gives us this assurance in Jeremiah as stated above. I personally am going through a phase now where if i looked at my circumstances the promises may not seem possible but i know like i know like i know that with God all things are possible and it is not my abilities but his unlimited abilities that will make this come to pass. So i smile i stick my chest out chin up and keep moving along.
MY GOD IS STRONG AND IS NOT LIMITED BY CIRCUMSTANCES and like my pastor says God is not going through a situation so hold on be strong.

Be blessed and remember you are blessed to be a blessing.

We would like to apologise for not giving you your daily fix the past few days.

Your B.I.C

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