Monday, August 2, 2010

At Peace Through The Storm

Phil4 : 6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

"Peace Be with you Today" There are 2 things man searches or seeks for. The 1st is "Love" without which we are incomplete. The 2nd "Peace" its no mystery that some of the most success full companies worldwide is the security industry. The top sales industry is insurance. Marketing companies thrive or feed on our insecurities , anxieties and fears. We buy cars and fit the top of the range tracking devices, we buy houses and spend tens of thousands on electric fencing, cctv, Adt and 3 ugly fat dogs. Yet with all these securities in place we still have no "Peace" Our possessions become a curse and not a blessing to us. God did not say that we would be without adverse circumstances, challenges or confrontations. Even the Son himself was confronted and challenged many times. However, Even on his way to Jerusalem , the WORD says he went forward with an Iron - willed determination. The world cannot give us "Peace" the same way it cannot give us Joy.

So Our questions today are " What are you Building on ? Who is your Strength? Who is your Source ? and Most importantly " DO YOU HAVE PEACE"? The scripture states that in him we will find "Peace that transcends all human understanding" Like with Daniel if you find yourself in the fire , know that he is with you. You may not know the way, you may not understand the process but we can trust in Him and know that he is not a man that he should lie. Whatever you facing let the storm be on the outside and not on the inside of you.

Be Blessed to be a Blessing

Your B.I.C


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