Wednesday, July 7, 2010


A Constant block,
A silent knock
Who is there?
I’ll scream if you dare..
A calm voice, a warm embrace
As the sunrise glaze across my face
I try to see, but the light is too bright,

It is ME my child, do not be shy,
I hide my face and begin to cry
Come close to ME, let me calm your fears
As HE gently wipes away my tears
I ask HIM LORD, why me?
HIS smile so big so pure, so bright,
You see my child, in you I take delight

But FATHER I am weak, I’m under attack,
HE said, MISHAL… I gave you MY WORD
Stand up and fight back!
In repentance and rest is your salvation
In quietness and trust is your strength,
Down on your knees child, its time to repent
I give strength to the weary,
I give power to the weak,
Be bold my child when in MY NAME you speak

But LORD the road does not seem straight,
Dear child, just increase your faith!

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