Sunday, July 11, 2010


As am writing this piece i was shocked that the fingers were pointing back at me and that all my talents and abilities don't matter , that my personality means nothing, that my style and my smile means nothing, Even my sacrifices mean nothing for the word says , Obedience is GREATER THAN SACRIFICE.
God's word is clear that we will either be blessed for our obedience or cursed for disobedience, Deuteronomy 28 ;1-2 (Read entire chapter). However as a start Deuteronomy 28;1 "If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands i give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on Earth. Verse 2 to the end, speaks about all the blessings that will come upon you if you obedient. Verse 13 speaks of " The Lord will make you the Head and not the tail and you will only be above and not beneath........."

Today practice patience and obedience , not only to God but to your fellow People around you. Remember its the little things Count.

The flip side is that there is curses for disobedience but we try to encourage you , So go and read the curses as well BUT FOCUS ON THE BLESSINGS FOR OBEDIENCE

GOD BLESS YOU TODAY , MAY HE FILL YOUR LIFE WITH BLESSING IN ABUNDANCE , for we are his family, Daddy's Family. I am a Son of the most high and so are you, Remember that.

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