Friday, June 25, 2010


Our Father
Forgive us Father for we are sinners
Disguised in tin medals as winners
Only few remember the reasons for you to live in us
We’ve consumed our souls in oceans of possessions
Then we cry “save us”
Wickedness and ignorance has never been bliss
More like the kiss of death so venomous
Corrupting our hearts while captured by illusions- sins sweet taste on our lips
All Nations making deluded assumptions
Crowning ourselves as “king”
Causing division thinking we are greater,
Subtracting our very Creator, leaving…vacuumed souls,
For Goals of Balancing our economic equations
We’ve lost direction in the name of Education
Dancing like puppets, no time to question out puppeteers
So we’d rather dress our fears, hide our tears
While the end of age nears and nears
Winter is here, unlike the ever-greens
We are bare; Our Bodies infested STDs and HIVs
All nothing compared to our mental ills
With nets of greed
We chase winds
From North, East, West and South
…into the Devourer’s mouth!
Who comes but to kill, steal and destroy!
We persist and ignore
Seems we convinced (the greatest lie of all) he doesn’t exist
I aint no saint, but I am sent – the greatest Jehovah calls us to repent
Of days spent dancing in hells gate-no debate- salvation’s at stake
The Human race plays -Hunter and Pray- Day after Day
Failing to fall on knees though we’ve gone astray
Burning our candles at both ends in hope for light
Though we delight in Holiwoodised lies, too blind to recognize Sodom and Gomorra
Starring us dead in the eyes, we pay for more and more
Afraid- to be left behind


  1. This is an absolutely beautiful & powerful poem!

  2. well done Thando, you're a brilliant star! - Your auntie Penny
