Monday, October 31, 2011

Soul Food !!!!

Good day,brothers and sisters in Christ.

A Very Good Morning,and a Fantastic week ahead to all.

This morning, I would like to share with you the importance of a Spiritual House and the Food we receive there.

Sundays around the world are days when we go to our mother's houses or we spend time at home with our own family,and we say we are having some SOUL FOOD.

Well yesterday morning at service,we received some REAL Soul Food.

The scripture was from Luke 1:28-41(The angel Gabriel and Mary)

The most important for me was Verse 38 " Let it be done to me according to Your Word"

On saying these words,the Word was made Flesh,and Mary carried and nurtured this word, to full term and gave birth to a son who was to change History,in SO many ways.

As my pastor said yesterday the world has heard enough of the "Jesus Loves You" message.

They know this,but what the World needs to see is the Power of God manifested in and through us.

Our responsibilty is to carry and nurture the word,and allow it to grow in us. We must give legs,arms,emotions to this Word,until it becomes Flesh in our lives.

Rom 8:19 says "The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed".

So,sons and daughters,what Food did you recieve yesterday? {and I'm not talking about your lunch here....:) }

Are you waiting for your next meal?or have you determined to nurture and carry this word that you have recieved, to chew on it,as you would chew on normal food?

And if you are looking at TODAY as the beginning of the week,sadly, you are a day behind.

We cannot drive cars without first putting petrol in them. Our physical bodies require food to sustain us,and strengthen us ,so too , our souls require food....Nourishment to grow and sustain our very souls.

1 Peter 2:2 says... "Cry out for this nourishment, ... Like newborn babies, thirst for the pure milk
of the word so that by it you may grow in your salvation...."

And this is not a once off,for as you ate yesterday,and no doubt some of you have already had breakfast today,and will eat at lunch,and later etc., so too we need to nourish our souls DAILY,not just on a Sunday.

Rom 12:2 speaks of Renewing our minds DAILY.

So, SOUL FOOD becomes a DAILY event and not once-a-week.

Be blessed,as you "Chew" daily on the SOUL FOOD which God has provided,and this is not Manna- this is....His Word !!!

Blessings to you and yours.

Your B.I.C.

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