Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Scripture – Proverbs 22;6 – Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it.,
Scripture – Malachi 4;6 - He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their father; or else I will come and strike the land of the curse.

As a Man however and as a father I feel the need to speak to other men as fathers. Invest time in your kid, allow God to turn your hearts to your kids, It is an investment that will bring a return, The Greatest return you could imagine. We know what we have been through and the battle we had to overcome, not forgetting the permanent scars we walk around hiding but are still there . The greatest injustice that we can do as Fathers would be to not warn out children ( Lovingly ) and to guide and teach them so that they might live a life of liberty, free of bondage, hooks and chain not forgetting a past filled with hurt shame and anger. I always tell my daughter (Of 15 Years Old) that any fool can rectify his mistakes but it is a wise man who learns from another’s mistakes and I beg her to learn from mine and not make the same mistakes I have. So my question to all parents today is WHO TRAINS YOUR CHILD? Is it you? Or is it Mtv? Who teaches them Love , Is it you or is it that boy with that hidden agenda, Or maybe Brooke Logan. Catch my Drift? Who teaches your son respect? Is it you father or is it that drug dealer slanging rock on the corner or maybe that Gangster that wears a bullet proof vest like 50 cent?

In closing “ I wish men could be trusted to hug and not Fondle, I wish fathers were the Protectors and not the Molesters.

Today I am dedicating to all the real fathers out there. Mothers lets not wait until Fathers day to recognise something that is in your face everyday.
(Ps) Someone is training them right now because the training is on going.

God Bless you and your treasures (because they are) have a day and week filled with Blessings of Obedience.


Ps : Thank you for logging on to this blog on a daily, This would be nothing without you. You guys have motivated me more than you know to keep seeking the word and to keep pressing on. Feel free to add your comments and feel free to submit a piece or poem or article or testimony , You just might save someones life .

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