Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today's blog was written by my sister.She endured the pain of having a stillborn son,Liam.I honestly,did not know(at the time)if she would ever get through it,BUT,she did.

Today's post is therefore,especially for women.

Know that whatever pain you are going through,that God is a healer,and it may seem like the”end of the world”for you,but THAT is a lie.

ROM 8:28 SAYS “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,who have been called according to his purpose.

Be blessed and encouraged as you read this.

My testimony

They gave me the news of your expected arrival. I was so afraid. But as time went on I grew to you love you and the fear disappeared. Instead now I couldn’t wait for you to arrive. My life was so dark and without love and hope. You gave me hope and a future and a purpose to dream. I knew that I would never feel alone again. I would never feel unloved again. You became my hope, my purpose and so much more. Life was dark and bleak but I pressed through knowing that I would have you soon. The day finally arrived and they told me you were no more. I was in a daze, How could this be? Who turned the light out at the end of my tunnel? Was I never to be loved? I was crushed and the pain of your passing caused me to hurt myself and so many others for many years.

But today, my son Liam, 14 years have passed and God has held me through. His wiped every tear and given me a fresh anointing of hope and 3 new reasons to dream. I will never understand the reason why you were taken from me but accept that God wanted it this way. You will forever live on in my heart and not a day goes by that you are not a part of my life. You see, you are my reason for loving the way I do. You are the reason for my testimony that I know God is faithful. You are my reason for knowing that God does erase all the pain. You are my reason for knowing that the storm truly does end. So thank you my sweet boy for teaching me and showing me pain. Because it’s this pain, which was indescribable, that eventually brought me to my knees. This pain brought me to wanting nothing more than His love. Through this pain I accepted salvations offer of Jesus Christ.

Thank you, my sweet Liam, for breaking me…………………………………………………so that God could make me whole.

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