Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today's blog was written by my sister.She endured the pain of having a stillborn son,Liam.I honestly,did not know(at the time)if she would ever get through it,BUT,she did.

Today's post is therefore,especially for women.

Know that whatever pain you are going through,that God is a healer,and it may seem like the”end of the world”for you,but THAT is a lie.

ROM 8:28 SAYS “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,who have been called according to his purpose.

Be blessed and encouraged as you read this.

My testimony

They gave me the news of your expected arrival. I was so afraid. But as time went on I grew to you love you and the fear disappeared. Instead now I couldn’t wait for you to arrive. My life was so dark and without love and hope. You gave me hope and a future and a purpose to dream. I knew that I would never feel alone again. I would never feel unloved again. You became my hope, my purpose and so much more. Life was dark and bleak but I pressed through knowing that I would have you soon. The day finally arrived and they told me you were no more. I was in a daze, How could this be? Who turned the light out at the end of my tunnel? Was I never to be loved? I was crushed and the pain of your passing caused me to hurt myself and so many others for many years.

But today, my son Liam, 14 years have passed and God has held me through. His wiped every tear and given me a fresh anointing of hope and 3 new reasons to dream. I will never understand the reason why you were taken from me but accept that God wanted it this way. You will forever live on in my heart and not a day goes by that you are not a part of my life. You see, you are my reason for loving the way I do. You are the reason for my testimony that I know God is faithful. You are my reason for knowing that God does erase all the pain. You are my reason for knowing that the storm truly does end. So thank you my sweet boy for teaching me and showing me pain. Because it’s this pain, which was indescribable, that eventually brought me to my knees. This pain brought me to wanting nothing more than His love. Through this pain I accepted salvations offer of Jesus Christ.

Thank you, my sweet Liam, for breaking me…………………………………………………so that God could make me whole.

Monday, June 28, 2010


This is one of my favourite psalms. It highlights the depth of God's love towards us. His EVER present love.We cannot escape His presence.
He knew us before we were formed in the womb. Nothing is hidden from him,and no matter where you are or what you do...Nothing can seperate us from His love (Rom.8)
He knows the hairs on my head,His thoughts about me more countless than the seasand....I think that's AWESOME.
Psalms 139(1-18)

1 For the choir director: A psalm of David. O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.

2 You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my every thought when far away.

3 You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am.

4 You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD.

5 You both precede and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.

6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to know!

7 I can never escape from your spirit! I can never get away from your presence!

8 If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the place of the dead,* you are there.1

9 If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans,

10 even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.

11 I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night--

12 but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are both alike to you.

13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.

14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous--and how well I know it.

15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.

16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

17 How precious are your thoughts about me,* O God! They are innumerable!2

18 I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up in the morning, you are still with me!

From The Heart " Lord Why Me"- Written By Lauren Groenewald

Lord why ME!!!

Pain and suffering, heartache and tears. All this in the name of “LOVE”
God’s word says that He love’s us UNCONDITIONALLY and yet we still put man before him
He is the way the truth and the life, and yet we choose to look to man for answers…

Lord why did I have to go through so much,
Lord why does it still hurt, why me Lord why me!!!!!
I have done wrong in my life and I have not lived according to your will
I have asked you for forgiveness all for you to have your will
But Lord things got worse when you came into my life
I felt like giving up because it seemed like this is not life..
I tried seeing a doctor just to help me with my stress
But I’ve forgotten the Great physician
I tried turning to friends
But forgot “The friend that sticketh closer than a brother”
Depression got a hold of me and I was thinking of death and God said to me
But God stepped in and he renewed my heart and mind..
He was and still is the Potter and I am his clay 
He became my doctor, friend, father, brother
He became my everything!!!!!!!!!
When I was nothing God made me something.
I love the Lord with all my heart!!!!!!!

This is not a poem but it was written from the heart, JESUS SAVES!!!!!!!


Rom 12 :2 Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God. 3 For I say, through the grace that was given me, to every man who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think reasonably, as God has apportioned to each person a measure of faith. 4 For even as we have many members in one body, and all the members don’t have the same function, 5 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

So often,we find ourselves wanting to "fit in" or we find ourselves wishing we were more. We may become envious of another's gifting or abilities,or we may envy another's position in life and wishing we were there,
OR we may be the opposite.....

We may think that we have it all together,and look down on others ,thinking that we are better than them...These are both extremes which we must by all accounts avoid.
We are ALL important,and EACH is unique .
We must renew our minds,(in the word),and seek our identity in Christ.
Focus on our strengths and use them to be a blessing to others,rather than focusing on our weaknesses and placing the emphasis on ourselves.

Choose to be a blessing to somene today,be an "ear" or a "shoulder" to someone.
Step out of yourself and be a vessel for God speak through.

It really takes less out of you than you would think,and it will allow God to refill you as only He can.

You are Blessed to be a blessing

Your B.I.C.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Our Father
Forgive us Father for we are sinners
Disguised in tin medals as winners
Only few remember the reasons for you to live in us
We’ve consumed our souls in oceans of possessions
Then we cry “save us”
Wickedness and ignorance has never been bliss
More like the kiss of death so venomous
Corrupting our hearts while captured by illusions- sins sweet taste on our lips
All Nations making deluded assumptions
Crowning ourselves as “king”
Causing division thinking we are greater,
Subtracting our very Creator, leaving…vacuumed souls,
For Goals of Balancing our economic equations
We’ve lost direction in the name of Education
Dancing like puppets, no time to question out puppeteers
So we’d rather dress our fears, hide our tears
While the end of age nears and nears
Winter is here, unlike the ever-greens
We are bare; Our Bodies infested STDs and HIVs
All nothing compared to our mental ills
With nets of greed
We chase winds
From North, East, West and South
…into the Devourer’s mouth!
Who comes but to kill, steal and destroy!
We persist and ignore
Seems we convinced (the greatest lie of all) he doesn’t exist
I aint no saint, but I am sent – the greatest Jehovah calls us to repent
Of days spent dancing in hells gate-no debate- salvation’s at stake
The Human race plays -Hunter and Pray- Day after Day
Failing to fall on knees though we’ve gone astray
Burning our candles at both ends in hope for light
Though we delight in Holiwoodised lies, too blind to recognize Sodom and Gomorra
Starring us dead in the eyes, we pay for more and more
Afraid- to be left behind


To anyone who has ever felt the sting of rejection,to anyone who has ever lost a loved one or loved ones....Today's word of encouragement is just for you. We serve a Mighty and Awesome God.
I call him Faithful.He is full of Love and Compassion for His children,and He demonstrated His love for us,in that He loved us FIRST.
He,who sent His son to die for us,while we were still in sin.
He IS LOVE,and His love NEVER changes towards us.
He loves us unconditionally,I'll say it again....UNCONDITIONALLY.

"When I was lost and alone and needed a friend,I called and no-one came,except God.
When I needed a breath to rise,no-one could help me ,except God,so when I am asked who I love unconditionally,look for no other name except God."
He says in Isiaih 49 :15-16

15 "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget,
I will not forget you!
16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
your walls are ever before me.

No matter what you are going through KNOW that you are NOT forgotten....This is HIS promise towards you....

Be blessed.....You are loved and you are precious and priceless,and there is NO-ONE like you.
You are a masterpiece created by the Greatest,and within you is Greatness.


Your B.I.C.
(Brother In Christ)

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Never Run Away- Written by Cjill

Irony of human nature is that when we are falling by the way side we seem
to run away from GOD.
GOD does not even judge us as much as we judge ourselves, we feel as though
we're not worthy.
FRIEND in WHOM we can depend.
We know right from wrong and he has made us worthy of HIS love by allowing
HIS SON to DIE FOR our sins.
We will always sin for GOD says no one is HOLY NOT ONE.
We just need to strive to be better people operating out of and IN GODS
We need to rid ourselves of pride for it comes before the fall, we need to
learn how to REPENT ...
so my brothers and sisters LIFT YOUR HEAD UP HIGH AND RUN INTO THE ARMS

Take Control - Written By Michelle Francis

I got all these dreams but your not apart of my vision

I have no time for what people call religion

But when things go wrong you’re the first one I call

I got you on speed dial cause you wont let me fall

I wear all these scares as proof of your existence

Still I live a life of sin and there’s no excuse for my resistance

To your word, your truth, I don’t deserve what you do

Cause I’m living my life for myself not for you

I should be ashamed but you know my heart

I should be burning in hell but you have faith in the part

That I’m destined to play cause we all have a purpose

You still loved me when my blood thought I’m worthless

It just goes to show that the flesh is too weak

So I’m asking for a chance as I kneel at your feet

There’s one way and it’s yours Lord they can’t alter that

They can run and hide but lies can’t escape fact

It was written in stone and I’ll stand, walk, or crawl

Spreading your word with my rhymes till the day that I fall

It’s my destiny and that’s true words written in gold

In my soul I know right when it’s your hand I hold

So I’ll stumble, I’ll cry go against what they do

I’ll go to war as your soldier cause I believe in you

I use to live like I have forever but life here is short

Today I’m taking a knife and I’m cutting the chord

That binds me to this flesh, I’ll infest in my soul

I’ll take a step back and let the King take control

My God

What do you Seek?

In todays' crazy world we seek/run after success,material wealth , prestige and power,thinking that this will make us happy or will complete us.
We may achieve much of our desired success,but are surprised when we realise that this does not give us the satisfaction or the peace we thought it would.
In fact, we may become anxious,fear may enter due to our newfound possessions which we become obsessed with protecting,or we may try to hold down two or even three jobs to acquire what we think we require in order to have a "good/better life".
We lose our peace,our joy(and remember the Joy of the Lord is indeed our strength),and have sleepless or restless nights and God did not intend for us to "eat of the bread of sorrows"
Friends we are missing God's design and His purpose for us, as His children.
God's thoughts are clear,and provide us with wise insight into how we should live.

He says In Matt 6:33"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Meditate on : Phil 4:6-7 "Be not anxious for anything,but with prayer and supplication make your requests known before God.7And the peace of God which passes all human understanding will keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus".

May Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit be your portion in this day.
May Love overwhelm you and surround you.
And just for today,take five minutes,and thank God for all the things you have which money just cannot buy.

Your B.I.C.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Be on the look out for another Son from Daddy's Family, Metaphor (The Ace Card).

Hagg 5:1 " Look at the Nations and be utterly amazed,for I am going to do something in your day ,that you would not believe ,even if you were told."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The truth - Written by C.R.E.E.D

He gave me a word to sustain the weary,
and to hear His truth I must think clearly,see cleary,
Behave in a manner soberly...
He knows the plans He has for me,
Plans to prosper me not to harm me....
So life prepares me for His army,
and trials and tribulations no longer alarm me....
For the fountain of youth is found in TRUTH,
BUT....whose truth?
Man's truth?,God's truth?...more to the point
The word was made flesh,and that's FOOLPROOF.
God's plan BULLETPROOF...
So none could boast or become aloof.
They cut a hole in the roof,to get to the truth;
For only the TRUTH sets you free...so you see....
A pattern's formation like something mosaic -
of sacrificial passion for mankind's sake.
The name above names NONE can claim stake;some fake...
they take,the word and twist it like the snake,
all to reap in dividends,no thought to those falling prey to their deception;
Leaving man in confusion,searchin for direction,
While all along UPON HIS HEART....
THE TRUTH....is clearly written.

Scripture For The Day

Jer 33:3 "Ask me and I will show you unsearchable truths,things you do not know"

A Life With Christ- Written By Fellin Abdul

Written By Fellin Abdul

I don’t want to walk in the direction that is not led by the spirit

I refuse to go where my father isn’t present

My heart yearns to be in a holy place


Where there’s life abundantly

Life eternally

I can’t keep on doing wrong

I refuse to stay in sin

Its time I elevate myself to a place where I long to be

And allow Christ to manifest in me

A life purposefully

For I know I have a higher calling

A greater anointing

Watch me as I soar

Seeking Him more and more

See how he elevates me

As He makes manifest His plan for me

A life oh so holy

A life that brings joy

Bears love

Endures much yet overcomes it all

A life with Christ

Verse For the Day

Jeremiah 1;17. Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them.

We have been given a mandate by God to proclaim to the nations what HE will have us say. We fear not man nor man's opinion but say that of which we were instructed to. In your own life be bold about your conviction , Be bold for God, For Jesus said if you are ashamed of me before man I will be ashamed of you before my Father.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Introducing to you the 1st Lady of D.F, Cjill.Coming soon.

Thank You

Thank you to everybody for all the Love shown and the comments on the Blog. This will keep you updated until the proper website has been set up. Coming soon.............J da writer. bringing you cd reviews, book reviews and much more.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sharing a Stage with Obita

Obita who does a number of trax with Loyiso Bala had a show in Melville and Dazz and myself had the chance to light up the stage, Together with Phat Kid. Check out some pics

Conquest For Life

Yesterday being Youth Day, We had the opportunity to Partner up with Conquest For Life. (CFL) is a small NGO based in South Africa. They tackle the problems facing our communities, and believe that the youth of today are central to the solution Life"

CFL run a number of programmes .Each programme focuses on different aspects and targets different age brackets in the youth sector.

We had the opportunity to perform for these under privilege kids and what a response. Thank you to Afm- Bosmont for all your support and assistance. Thank you to Conquest For Life for providing a Stage for us to Minister to the kids, Ghetto Gospel Style.


Welcome to my Blogger!!!

My name is C.R.E.E.D , Christ Restored Enlightened Equipped Disciple.

Isaiah 60V1 - Arise ,Shine For your Light has Come. We Speak Light into Darkness.

I will be coming soon to a Venue near you, Bringin you "Ghetto Gospel