Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Brothers and sisters,I greet you all in the Name which is above every other name.

I wish you all nothing but God's best this day,and I pray He shows to you, the wonderful future He has planned for you,

I pray that you are practising to see more with your spiritual eyes and not focusing on what you see in the natural,but that you are seeing into the spiritual,and claiming and taking hold of the Great Promises and Gifts that are just waiting for you to claim....

I pray that God removes the veils and that you see clearly Who you are and Whose you are.

I pray that you are able to see the Good plans HE has for you,and that you are forgetting what's behind and pressing forward...keep pressing on ....Don't Quit !

Believe it and you will see it!

I cannot tell you all, how I, at this time, am marvelled by what God is doing.

In ALL areas of my life. He is FAITHFUL and will accomplish all He said He would.

I will share this testimony,but not just yet....


All he needs is our Belief,Our Faith and Trust in HIM...

By the way , we've changed our plans just a bit.

Our intention was to drop the single "Back With a Vengeance" next.

However, as you know,God can change anything,anytime as He sees fit.

We've now opted to go with another track "20/20" as this deals with Vision,and in keeping with our theme recently based on WHAT U SEE,it was necessary that  "20/20" precede "Back With A Vengeance".

The following is an excerpt from the track 20/20,and it ends fittingly "Daddy's Fam...that's me and you ...and you...and you....we need to join hands.

It's time for us to take our Stand.

There is a proverb which says "If you don't take a stand for something,you will fall for everything".

We're taking our stand for DADDY..... will you join us?



Without vision the people perish;

Cos God's Word we no longer cherish.

While every 2nd house has a satellite dish,

Give a man a rod, but he won't know how to fish.

But he can tell just where the nearest KFC is

Sssssssh they go silent...

When u feed them the truth people can become violent;

Cos u never know how they gonna react-

When u tell him he's Not a Man just cos he got a Gat!

I look around and all I see-

Is greed, lust, envy and every

kinda abomination -known to man.

That's why I gotta grab this mike and take this stand!

I see myself as more than just a simple man;

And if u see like I see then won't u take my hand,

As Daddy's Fam joins hands all across the land.

Be blessed

Your B.I.C.


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