Wednesday, July 28, 2010


"You hem me in behind and before;You have laid Your hand upon me,
such knowledge is too wonderful for me,too lofty for me to attain"(Ps.139)

So each day I awaken,as one ready to receive instruction.
Pen in hand I take dictation;with completion of the instruction
comes the application,
for Faith without action brings no satisfaction;
and abates the flames of passion burnin within.
I water the seed of Righteousness,which was spoken into being.....
Too wondrous to express in a medium such as this;
I therefore,seek not merely eloquence,but the arrival of His Spirit
in my secret place.....
I'm hidden in the shadows of the Rock of Ages,The Ancient Of Days,
not afraid.....for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Not alone,my worship causes angels to inhabit my home;
They await His instruction soon to be given,
to break me free from the bonds of this system,
To give to my spirit -refreshment,to birth within me,the Word,His Word
so long ago spoken....
Isaiah 55:5 says -that I would draw nations...
Let my life and life's work be for Your Glory,
To You ALL the Glory;
Save NONE for me...I long only for THEE...
That I may dance in Your Courtyard,Eternally...
Make music for Thee ,exclusively,
For I love You,hopelessly and want to sing sweet melody,
Will you dance with me?
Oh lover of my Soul,
Will you dance with me?

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