Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today,I would like to share a bit of my testimony,of where I was and where God has brought me to. You see,some get superspiritual and say"You know I don't know where I'd be if not for God"....Well I DO know.I would either have been locked up or dead...NO MAYBE.When I look at the friends I had and the"brothers" I rolled with,and see what has happened to their lives,I know I am only here because of HIS grace.And the thing is,I didn't go looking to join a gang,NO.I was looking to be accepted,to be part of something.
I grew up without a father and without brothers,so when I met an older guy,who promised to die with me,rather than let anything happen to me,I thought "Maaan,now that's love.
On the street you were taught to bleed for your brother.You said mantras like"I AM my brother's keeper".You cut thumbs and shared blood and became "blood brothers"....If I only knew then what I was doing(BUT of course as a teenager you think you know EVERYTHING)....
So you spend weekends either in holding cells or burying your friends(I once lost 8 friends in about 6 weeks). When you get arrested,none of your fiends visit you,though.Nobody told me this.When you have ambitions,they break you down and laugh at you.
I didn't just DO drugs,I sold them (for the police,no less),and it took me being shot to wake me up,and to seperate me permanently from my past.
The life I lived is not something I wish for my children,or for any other parents you see the reason we are so passionate about the youth,and the reason we are involved in spreading the GOSPEL through the medium of HIP HOP.

Your teenagers are looking for someone to love and appreciate them.Someone who will listen without being judgemental or hypocritical. Someone who will value their opinions.Someone who will say they are the best.Someone who will call them BEAUTIFUL,PRECIOUS,PRICELESS,A PRINCE OR A PRINCESS....
My pray is that as parents,YOU will be that person....

They are looking for a HERO.Will they find one in you?Do you represent Jesus to your children,or are you just religious,and show no signs of the Saviour who died,but was still full of unconditional love and forgiveness for His persecutors.Ask God to turn your hearts towards your children,or trust me their hearts will be turned elsewhere,and you will lose them to the streets,to gangs,to drugs,etc.(Read Mal 4:6)

We will soon be posting some artists reviews (Gospel Hip Hop),so that you can be in touch with what is happening and who is doing what in the Gospel Hip Hop arena,and TRUST me,the artists are even BETTER than the ones we hear on the radio and in the secular market,as with Rap,you have to really have skill,to rhyme and not swear or be rebellious,and slander and disrespect your mother,and women in general.
Below is an example of what I am speaking about.The artist's name is Flame.Check out his site.

The Album Title is Our World Fallen and the track is called Goodness to Repentance.

He gets a SOLID 5 MIKES from us.

verse 1

I done heard too many war stories

Seen too many spared

While God still sustain cats that don’t even care

Yea you should’ve got shot

When dem bullets ricocheted

Yea you shoulda got robbed

But grandmamma went to pray

Yea you shoulda got hit by that truck on the road

Ain’t no luck when you stuck

With bullet holes in your clothes

Five shots could drop me

I took it and smiled

That’s a quote from Tupac

Wow… look at him now

Everyday cats duck, dodge, strays from a range

You think it’s simply that them shooters just ain’t shooting with aim

Naw, a Teflon vest

Ain’t the only thing that’s stopping them bullets from eating through your chest


How many rappers got shot that’s then died?

How many rappers got shot that’s alive?

How many shots going bang bang?

Cats trying to gang bang?

How many trying to please God?

God’s goodness should lead men to the repentance (it should make you wanna change)

Goodness should lead men to the repentance (it should make you wanna change)



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