Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The truth - Written by C.R.E.E.D

He gave me a word to sustain the weary,
and to hear His truth I must think clearly,see cleary,
Behave in a manner soberly...
He knows the plans He has for me,
Plans to prosper me not to harm me....
So life prepares me for His army,
and trials and tribulations no longer alarm me....
For the fountain of youth is found in TRUTH,
BUT....whose truth?
Man's truth?,God's truth?...more to the point
The word was made flesh,and that's FOOLPROOF.
God's plan BULLETPROOF...
So none could boast or become aloof.
They cut a hole in the roof,to get to the truth;
For only the TRUTH sets you free...so you see....
A pattern's formation like something mosaic -
of sacrificial passion for mankind's sake.
The name above names NONE can claim stake;some fake...
they take,the word and twist it like the snake,
all to reap in dividends,no thought to those falling prey to their deception;
Leaving man in confusion,searchin for direction,
While all along UPON HIS HEART....
THE TRUTH....is clearly written.

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