Thursday, June 24, 2010

Take Control - Written By Michelle Francis

I got all these dreams but your not apart of my vision

I have no time for what people call religion

But when things go wrong you’re the first one I call

I got you on speed dial cause you wont let me fall

I wear all these scares as proof of your existence

Still I live a life of sin and there’s no excuse for my resistance

To your word, your truth, I don’t deserve what you do

Cause I’m living my life for myself not for you

I should be ashamed but you know my heart

I should be burning in hell but you have faith in the part

That I’m destined to play cause we all have a purpose

You still loved me when my blood thought I’m worthless

It just goes to show that the flesh is too weak

So I’m asking for a chance as I kneel at your feet

There’s one way and it’s yours Lord they can’t alter that

They can run and hide but lies can’t escape fact

It was written in stone and I’ll stand, walk, or crawl

Spreading your word with my rhymes till the day that I fall

It’s my destiny and that’s true words written in gold

In my soul I know right when it’s your hand I hold

So I’ll stumble, I’ll cry go against what they do

I’ll go to war as your soldier cause I believe in you

I use to live like I have forever but life here is short

Today I’m taking a knife and I’m cutting the chord

That binds me to this flesh, I’ll infest in my soul

I’ll take a step back and let the King take control


  1. i love this!! keep iy up!! May God bless you

  2. Love the simplicity and honesty!
    Comes together beautifully...
