Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thought Of the Week With "Sis Des"

Psalm 112…1-3“Praise the LORD. Blessed is the man that feared the LORD, that delighted greatly in his commandments. 2His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. 3Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endured for ever.
The blessedness of the righteous.

Yes go ahead shout it out, Praise the LORD ...... For He is worthy to be praised, We as the human race are the only creatures that can shout it out, David ends the Psalms singing praises to the Almighty in Psalm 150 … ending “let everything that has breathPraise the Lord, ….praise the Lord, Wow the praises just never seems to seize, and rightfully speaking it should never for yes He is worthy to be praise…… praise the Lord.

When I opened my bible for devotion on the 1/1/12, I was just drawn to Psalm 112.”. Blessed is the man that feared the LORD that delighted greatly in his commandments. Blessed be the man….., Wow we get rewarded to fear God, - fear him and serve him keep, His commandments, and guess what we are happy people and all because of His grace upon us.I recently read that the word “fear” in Hebrew actually is the opposite of LOVE, not hate but fear. So taken from that the “Fear” referring in verse..1, is a fear that loves the Lord. So verse ‘1’ in our day should read… “Blessed is the man that loves the LORD that delights greatly in his commandments”

Verse- 2His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. 3Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endured for ever.

The KJV – talks about His seed, New KJV& other - His descendants – either way we are the seed of Abram , and I was though the other day that a seed never forgets. Yes is it not amazing, a seed never forgets, sooooooo…, the seed of Abram, and yes we are here, the seed of Abram, a seed that never forgets to germinate,it never forgets its origin, or its purpose. God had a covenant with Abram, Gen:15..5 “..” we his seed / descendants, that covenant should be honoured , praise the Lord !!!. We are mighty upon the earth, God honoured His word.

Be careful what seed you sow this Year, for as shown above a seeds never forgets, so what we sow from today will geminate , it may not be today, tomorrow, next week, month or.., but it will produce a fruit. Whether it be a good or bad fruit, it will come up. Remember some seeds multiply while in store, so again be careful.
Saying that, seeds of greatness will bring forth great wealth to those that are faithful, let us pursuit this greatness and so bring about great riches upon ourchildren and their children's, leave a legacy of good , great and faithful seeds for them to benefit from. Abram did.

3Blessings are laid up for the faithful and their children's children; and true riches are bestowed on them, with as much of this world's possessions as is profitable for them.
God Bless
Your friend in Christ

Week 15 - 22 Jan 12.