Monday, December 5, 2011

No Walls

All Roads Lead to Wentworth Next week

Though For the Week With Sis Des

Isaiah 26.3 “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trust inYou.”

I shared this scripture with someone who felt somehow defeated, yes defeated by life, people and all that makes up the picture. As I meditated further on this word, I realised that we so often based our happiness, our contentment in what people do and say. I am also prey to that, I put a lot of effort in what people do and say about me, and I was reminded that if I shift my attention away from me, how I feel and what I think I see, and observe the situation outside of me , distance the me and focus on God , the me would become smaller.
Isaiah 26.3a) “You will keep him in perfect peace,” The Lord promise to keep us at peace, -peace of mind, peace in our souls, peace at home, peace with family, peace in all we do and surround us with, yes perfect peace. John14:27...I am leaving you with a gift, - peace of mind and heart...”

Isaiah 26.3 b)...”whose mind is stayed on You”. – Promise – Peace will only come when we focus our mind, our eyes on Him. Keep your eyes on the Lord at all times, for by focussing on God, we will not see the obstaclesof this world, that wants to derail us, that bring on all negative thoughts about ourselves, our situation and surroundings. Jer 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope. Let our mind stay on the Lord; meditate on the promises of God daily.
Isaiah 26.3 c) ...”because he trust in You.”.. - Whose thoughts are fixed on God- Inessence let us keep our focus on God, let us keep the good faith and trust Him to guide us as we walk in His purpose. Ask God daily to bless you as you go along to fulfil your daily assignment according to His will for your life today. Be blessed with Rom 12:2... let our mind be renewed daily ... so we can function in our godly purpose

Peace , Peace, perfect peace. O’ how beautiful it sound and feel, but why do we allow people to rob us of that peace. Why do you/ we give it so easily away? One minute we at peace, and the next we stand solely robbed. Be aware of wounded people, they prone to hurt others to ease their hurt. Don’t be a victim, be a victor. My reminder to you….. John14:27...I am leaving you with a gift, - peace of mind and heart...”
Don’t get robbed.

God Bless
Your friend Desiree
Week 04-09 Dec.11